Bernedoodle Size – How Big Do Bernedoodle Full Grown?
Bernedoodle Size – How Big Do Bernedoodle Full Grown?

Are you decided to buy or adopt a doodle breed, and you have selected the Bernedoodle. and the next question in your mind will be about the Bernedoodle Size, and how big do Bernedoodles get?
when you buying a dog, size is an important factor that you should consider. because not all sizes are suitable for all the families. although if you already the owner of a Bernedoodle puppy, and you will be interested to know what is the Bernedoodle Full Grown Size is. And how much bigger your furry friend will be.
So in this post, we have covered all the queries about the Bernedoodle Size. what things determine the size and weight of a Bernedoodle, and when Bernedoodle stops growing? so without further ado, let’s go the Topic
The quick and short answer to this query is most sizes and weight can differ from tiny, mini, and standard. In this post, I will give you a detailed overview of all the sizes of Bernedoodle. The Bernedoodle is a hybrid cross of the Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dog. Both parent’s breeds are playful, loyal, and affectionate. Bernedoodle inherits the parent’s traits, so they are also energetic, loyal, and her loving attitude make him a good family dog. Bernedoodles can easily fit almost any family despite the amount of available space. Females are usually smaller than the male version. The biggest factor in determining the size of a Bernedoodle is which Bernese Mountain Po and Poodle are used to breed. Bernedoodle Comes in Four Sizes, tiny (toy, micro), mini, medium, and standard. we will discuss each size in detail.
- Tiny Bernedoodle size
- Mini Bernedoodle size
- Medium Bernedoodle size
- Standard Bernedoodle size
One thing you should remember that there is no Standard sizing in Bernedoodles, but this is an ideal representation of the common sizes. so let’s discuss the sizes one by one.
Bernedoodle Sizes:
1. Toy / Tiny Bernedoodle Size
The Tiny Bernedoodle is also known as Toy Bernedoodle, they are considered one of the smallest size of Bernedoodles. The Tiny Bernedoodle is a result of crossing the Tiny or Toy Poodle with the Mini Bernese Mountain Dog. They are both small in size. The Toy Poodle stands almost 10 inches tall in height and weighs up to 6 to 9 pounds. The Mini Bernedoodle size lies between 18-22 inches in height and weighs up to 25-49 pounds.
Although you should always be careful about choosing a trustworthy doodle breeder, you should be even more careful when considering toys or tea cup sizes. Unfortunately, there are some backyard or immoral breeders who prefer short stature over healthy bridges and these dogs usually have major health problems issues in their lives. That’s why I recommend that all dog owners get their puppy from reputable breeders
Tiny Bernedoodles Full Grown:
How big do Tiny Bernedoodles Full Grown? On average, The size of Tiny Bernedoodle is around 17 inches tall at height when it’s Fully Grown. and their weighs up to 10 to 24 pounds.
2. Mini Bernedoodle Size
The Mini Bernedoodle size does not small as the Tiny size, but it isn’t as large as the Standard Bernedoodle size. They are considered small dogs, but in the case of other designer dogs, they fall into the medium weight category. Although they are labeled as mini Bernedoodles, but their size is considerable. The Mini Bernedoodle is a result of crossing the Mini Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog. The Mini Poodle is around 15 inches tall in height and weighs up to 12-20 pounds. on the other hand, the size of Bernese mountain dogs is 23-28 inches tall in height and weighs up to 79-110 pounds.
Mini Bernedoodles Full Grown:
How big do Mini Bernedoodles Full Grown? The Average size of full grown Mini Bernedoodle lies between 18 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder. and they carry their weight 25 pounds to 50 pounds. While the female’s version is usually smaller as compared to the male’s version.
3. Medium Bernedoodle Size
The medium Bernedoodle size is smaller than the standard size and larger than the small or mini size. When we compare the size of other breeds of doodle, Medium Bernedoodle is one of the largest designer dogs breed by its weight. The main cause for this is that Bernese Mountain Dog can get more than 100+ pounds. The bigger the Bernedoodle’s size you get, the more exercises and space you will require for this dog. They are not suitable for those families who are living in an apartment or cond. This particular size needs one hour of exercise daily to keep fit and healthy.
Medium Bernedoodles Full Grown:
How big do Medium Bernedoodles Full Grown? The Medium Size Bernedoodle is usually 19 to 25 inches tall in height at the shoulder when it’s fully grown. while the weight of this medium size is usually 35 to 55 pounds .
4. Standard Bernedoodle Size
The Size of standard Bernedoodle is the largest of all the sizes. it is a cross between a Standard Poodle and the Bernese Mountain dog. The Size of the Standard Bernedoodle is highly dependent on their parent’s breeds. The Standard Poodle is 18-24 inches tall in height and weighs up to 45 to 70 pounds. while the Bernese Mountain Dog is 23 to 38 inches tall in height and weighs up to 79 to 110 pounds.
Standard Bernedoodles Full Grown:
How big do Standard Bernedoodles Full Grown? A Standard Bernedoodle is usually 23 to 29 inches tall in height at the shoulder, It also depends on whether they are male or female. Typically, the female Bernedoodle’s tends to be smaller than the male version. While the weight of a Standard Bernedoodle begins at 50 pounds, the weight of Standard Bernedoodle usually ranges from 70 to 90 pounds or even more.
Note: The Sizes and weights are listed above are just for estimation. Bernedoodle can be larger or smaller than the following sizes.
What Impacts the Size and Weight of a Bernedoodle?
There are many factors that affect how big your Bernedoodle will be when it is fully grown. Here are some of them:
- Gender
- Size and weight of the parents.
- Generation of the Bernedoodle belong
The mixture of all these factors makes it easy for you to predict exactly how big your Bernedoodle will be. we can discuss all of these factors one by one.
1. Gender:
Gender of Bernedoodle is the first factor that impacts the size of the Bernedoodle, In most cases, the size and weight of the male Bernedoodle will be 10% larger than the female version. In the smaller version, the size and weight of the tiny and mini bernedodole are the same for both males and females. but the size of the standard Bernedoodle will be 10% larger than the female version.
2. Size of the Parent Bernedoodles
Size of the parent’s breed is also an important aspect of Bernedoodle Size that you should consider. The genetics that is transferred from the parents to their pups plays an important role in how big do Bernedoodles full grown. The Weight and size of your Bernedoodle’s will be based on the parent Bernedoodle dogs. Remember one thing, The prediction of generation is difficult.
3. Generation:
The last and most important factors are the generation of the Bernedoodle, which plays an important role in how big Bernedoodle will get? The word “generation” is the general genetic structure of your dog and tells them how a dog will most resemble to its parents.
Can Personality Matter In Size?
The size of any dog can actually create a difference in the personality of the dog. When you considering any size, you must think in mind about your space and what you can provide for this breed. But you should also know that how personality directly be affected by size.
Standard Size Personality:
Standard size Bernedoodles has the most balanced and fit personality as compared to all of the sizes. This is because they inherit most of the best qualities from both parent’s side. Standard-sized Bernedoodle inherits the loyal & gentle nature of the Bernese Mountain Dog as well as the playful and loving nature of the Poodle. It’s an ideal balance among the two personalities. The standard size Bernedoodle are sometimes stubborn, that inherited from the Burness side. this particular size needs daily one-hour walking to keep it fit and healthy. Spend some time with your standard Bernedoodle. and playing some games to keep their mind fresh and healthy. Because we can see in most cases, if you not spending time with your Standard Size Bernedoodle they can easily bored and prone to mental stimulation.
Tiny & Toy Personality:
The mini and tiny Bernedoodle personality is much similar for each one.Breeders get this size from pairing with mini or toy Poodles to produce the Bernedoodle dog size. The stressed level of this dog is high as compared to standard size due to their small size. they also prone to extreme barking, they are high-energy dogs. but the sad part of this size is that they can be easily excited so that’s why their level of stress is high as compared to different sizes.
Which Bernedoodle Size is Ideal for You?
Which Bernedoodle Size you Should choose? It comes to the owner’s personal preferences. but if you think that what size is best for you. You should also consider different factors that play an important role to choose the Bernedoodle Size. For E.g: If you have a lot of space and you don’t have any restrictions, then the Standard size is the best option for you. They are the best in terms of temperaments and health issues. Standard Bernedoodle is large but it’s a great option for the 1st time owners, they are a great example of loyalty and their energetic attitude make them a good family-friendly oriented dog. They need more space as compared to the tiny toy size. if you chose the Standard size then you must have lots of space where they can play, run and do some activity. If you live in an apartment or condo, and you don’t have lots of space so tiny and mini Bernedoodle is the right option for you. because this particular size does not need much space as compared to the Standard size.
When Does Bernedoodles Stop Growing?
when do Bernedoodles stop growing? This is one of the most frequently asked questions of this breed. Bernedoodles normally reach the average full-grown size from 1.5 to 3 years of age. As with other factors, this also relies on genetics.
Like other large breeds Dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs grow over a longer period of time. They’re usually full-grown in 2 years of age, however, some Bernese may continue their growth until the ages of 3. On the other side, Poodles are considered as a smaller breed and they are usually full-grown at the age of 1.5 years. Due to variations in sizes, A Tiny Version will fully-grown faster as compared to a Mini Bernedoodle.
Conclusion For Bernedoodle Size: How Big Do Bernedoodle Full Grown:
Hope you liked this post, and now you know all about the sizes of Bernedoodle. whenever you buy any dog, size is an important factor that you should consider, because not all dog sizes are suitable for all families, as well as it reflects dog personality also. so share this post with your friends on all social media platforms and support for more articles.